To enquire about a booking please:
1. Phone Golf Getaway at +61 (0) 414 676 968 or, 2. Email: or, 3. Fill in your details below and submit
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
Whats App / Viber / Skype Number / ID
Rounds Only:
Number of Players
Game Date
Tee-off Time —Please choose an option—6am - 7am7am - 8am8am - 9am9am - 10am10am - 11am11am - 12pm12pm - 1pm1pm - 2pm2pm - 3pm3pm - 4pm
Stay and Play:Course:
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Number of Travellers
Number of Rooms
Number of Golfers